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Panduan Lengkap Analysis Lemak dan Minyak dalam Bahan Pangan


Cooking oil is one of the basic needs of community to meet the day-by-day needs. These daily consume cooking oil was closely related to the health of our bodies. It is important for us to know the quality of cooking oil which we use everyday. This study aimed to test the quality analysis of bulk and packaged cooking oil in accordance with the ISO quality requirements. Cooking oil quality analysis test was performing using the test parameters of water content, free fatty acid value, acid value, and peroxide. The results of the research of bulk cooking oil materials meets the requirements of ISO such as 100% of the water content, 50% of free fatty acids, 100% of acid value, and is not eligible to peroxide numbers. The packaging cooking oil meets the requirements of ISO 50% of the water content, acid value of 100%, 50% peroxide, and did not qualify against free fatty acid value.

analysis lemak dan minyak pdf free

AbstrakMinyak goreng curah tidak bermerek banyak dijual dipasar tradisional dengan harga yang murah. Minyak goreng yang dijual dipasaran harus memenuhi mutu yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah, dimana minyak goreng yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan akan berdampak bagi kesehatan. Parameter yang digunakan untuk menentukan kualitas minyak goreng antara lain adalah kandungan asam lemak bebas dan bilangan peroksida. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kadar asam lemak bebas dan bilangan peroksida dalam minyak goreng curah tidak bermerek dan untuk mengetahui apakah minyak goreng curah tidak bermerek tersebut sudah memenuhi persyaratan SNI 7702:2012. Penentuan asam lemak bebas dilakukan dengan metode alkalimetri menggunakan etanol 95% netral dan indikator PP 1 % kemudian di titrasi dengan larutan standar NaOH sampai warna merah muda. Penetapan bilangan peroksida dilakukan dengan metode iodometri dengan penambahan asam asetat glasial : isooktan dan KI jenuh yang kemudian dititrasi dengan larutan standar natrium tiosulfat dengan penambahan indikator amylum 1% sampai warna biru hilang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan semua sampel minyak goreng curah tidak bermerek yang dijual di pasar tradisional Kecamatan Jebres, Surakarta telah memenuhi syarat untuk parameter asam lemak bebas, sedangkan untuk bilangan peroksida hanya terdapat 1 sampel yang memenuhi syarat dari ke tujuh sampel, yaitu sampel dari pasar E.

Palm oil liquid waste or waste processing CPO (Crude Palm Oil) commonly called CPO (Crude Palm Oil) trenches are very potential to be processed into biodiesel. At the moment, CPO (CPO trenches) processing waste is only considered as waste that pollutes the environment and is not of economic value. If left continuously, palm oil liquid waste that has a pH of 4.2 (acidic) will cause problems for the environment if disposed of directly. One form of utilization of CPO trenches that can be done is by converting it into biodiesel. The manufacture of biodiesel from CPO trenches uses transesterification reactions such as the manufacture of biodiesel in general, with pretreatment to lower the acid figures in the CPO trenches. Biodiesel was obtained later in the analysis of quality standards based on SNI 04-7182-2006 and obtained results that meet the requirements for four parameters, namely the content of FFA samples before the transesterification process is 1.82%. Tan biodiesel content of 0.3055 mg KOH/g. The content of free glycerol is 0.0198% and the total glycerol is 0.0884%.

Tengkawang is an indigenous plant that has potential as a source of vegetable fat. The quality of tengkawang fat is traditionally low. This study aims to reduce free fatty acid (FFA) and physicochemical analysis of tengkawang fat and compare it with shea butter. The purification process of tengkawang includes degumming, neutralization, and bleaching. The FFA levels (%) before and after purification in tengkawang and shea butter were 7.75 and 2.28 for tengkawang butter and 0.47 and 0.18 for shea butter. Peroxide numbers (meq O2 / kg sample) before and after refining in tengkawang butter and shea butter were 9.54 to 3.61 for tengkawang and 10.31 to 4.84 for shea butter. The saponification number of tengkawang butter was higher than shea butter, while the iodine number of tengkawang butter was lower than shea butter. The fatty acids in tengkawang butter are dominated by oleic acid, stearic acid, and palmitic acid, while the fatty acids in shea butter are dominated by oleic acid, stearic acid, and a little linoleic acid. After the refining process, tengkawang fat's quality complies with the Indonesian Raw Material Trade Standard (SNI 2903: 2016). This study indicates that tengkawang butter can be used as a raw material for the food and cosmetic industry.

Asam lemak bebas merupakan parameter penentu mutu minyak goreng sawit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar asam lemak bebas pada minyak goreng serta untuk melihat kandungan asam lemak pada minyak goreng akibat pengaruh pemanasan. Penentuan kadar asam lemak bebas dilakukan dengan metode titrasi asam basa dan kandungan asam lemak dilakukan dengan metode kromatografi gas. Sampel dipanaskan dengan variasi waktu 5 dan 15 menit dengan masing-masing suhu 80, 100, 150 dan 200C. Kadar asam lemak bebas dikatakan normal atau aman jika tidak melebihi nilai kadar asam lemak bebas SNI yaitu 0,30%. Hasil analisis kadar asam lemak bebas kontrol masih aman atau normal

From the results, it was found that the average reduction in free fatty acid levels in used cooking oil before adding the leaves of kesum was 7,12%, which had added kesum leaves as much as 20 grams of 6.93%, 40 grams of 5.36%, 60 gr at 3.93%, 80 gr at 3.26% and 100 gr at 1.62%. The results of the analysis using linear regression test, it is known that the addition of 20 grams and 40 grams of p-value is 0.026 and 0.021 (p 0.05.

Abstrak. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakterisasi piropilit sebelum dan sesudah teraktivasi H2SO4dan titik jenuh pada adsorpsi asam lemak bebas dan bilangan peroksida minyak jelantah dengan piropilit teraktivasi H2SO4 1,2 M. Penelitian yang dilakukan: 1) Karakterisasi piropilit sebelum dan sesudah aktivasi, 2) Adsorpsi asam lemak bebas dan bilangan peroksida minyak jelantah dengan piropilit teraktivasi H2SO4 1,2 M. Tahap 1) Karakterisasi piropilit sebelum dan sesudah aktivasi H2SO4 1,2 M dengan rancangan penelitian the one group pretest-postest design dan dilakukan analisis gugus fungsional menggunakan spektrofotometer. Luas permukaan, volume pori, dan jari-jari pori menggunakan surface analyzer area. 2) Adsorpsi asam lemak bebas dan bilangan peroksida minyak jelantah menggunakan piropilit teraktivasi H2SO4 1,2 M dengan rancangan penelitian pre post test control group design. Hasil penelitian: 1) Piropilit sebelum teraktivasi H2SO4 1,2 M serapan IR pada bilangan gelombang 3667,9 cm-1 untuk gugus aktif OH gibbsite dan sesudah aktivasi menjadi 3664,8 cm-1; luas permukaan, volume pori dan jari jari pori sebelum diaktivasi berturut-turut 3,493 m2/g; 0,01381 ml/g; 1,20918 Å dan sesudah diaktivasi H2SO4 1,2 M menjadi 35,447 m2/g; 0,02112 ml/g dan 7,79472 Å. 2) Didapatkan titik jenuh asam lemak bebas dan bilangan peroksida pada waktu penggorengan 105 menit.

Abstract. The study aims to determine the characterization of activated piropilit before and after the H2SO4 and the saturation point on the adsorption of free fatty acid and peroxide numbers of activated piropilit cooking oil with H2SO4 1,2 M Research conducted: 1) Characterization piropilit before and after activation, 2) adsorption of free fatty acid and peroxide numbers of activated piropilit cooking oil with H2SO4 1,2 M Phase 1) Characterization piropilit before and after activation of H2SO4 1,2 M with the study design the one-group pretest postest design and functional group analysis was performed using a spectrophotometer. Surface area, pore volume and pore radius using a surface area analyzer. 2) Adsorption of free fatty acid and peroxide numbers used cooking oil using H2SO4 1,2 M piropilit activated with the study design pre-post test control group design. Results of the study: 1) Piropilit before H2SO4 1,2 M activated IR absorption at wavenumber 3667.9 cm-1 for gibbsite OH active groups and after activation to be 3664.8 cm-1; surface area, pore volume and pore radius before activated in succession 3.493 m2 / g; 0.01381 ml / g; 1.20918 Å and 1.2 M H2SO4 are activated after a 35.447 m2 / g; 0.02112 ml / g and 7.79472 Å. 2) Obtained saturated free fatty acid and peroxide numbers on the frying time 105 minutes.

ABSTRACT: Peroxide number and free fatty acid of analysis in VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) affected by the heating temperature in the VCO result during natural fermentation have been invertigated. The tests were carried out on VCOs produced by a natural fermentation process before being heated and after being heated at temperatures of 150C, 200C and 250C for 60 minutes. Based on the results, the peroxide number and free fatty acid in the VCO resulted by natural fermentation before and after heating meet the quality standard of ISO 7381: 2008. The peroxide number and the free fatty acid contained in the VCO were affected by the heating temperature where the peroxide number and free fatty acid increased by increasing the temperature of the natural fermentation process.

Lemak dan minyak adalah salah satu kelompok yang termasuk pada golongan lipid. Secara umum, lemak diartikan sebagai trigliserida yang dalam kondisi suhu ruang berada dalam keadaan padat. Sedangkan minyak adalah trigliserida yang dalam suhu ruang berbentuk cair. Lemak dan minyak pun merupakan senyawa organik yang terdapat di alam serta tidak larut dalam air, tetapi larut dalam pelarut organik non-polar, misalnya dietil eter (C2H5OC2H5), kloroform(CHCl3), benzena dan hidrokarbon lainnya. Lemak dan minyak dapat larut dalam pelarut yang disebutkan di atas karena lemak dan minyak mempunyai polaritas yang sama dengan pelarut tersebut. 2ff7e9595c

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